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Unalp Cepel
Working Group 2 - The Mixed Economy of Welfare, Working Group 3 - Transnational Voluntary Action, Working Group 4 - Intellectual Traditions in European Welfare: Voluntary Associations, Families and The State
civil society, democratization, civil society-state relations, Europeanization
International Relations
Assistant Professor Dr.

“An Analysis of State-Civil Society Relations in Finland: A Case of
Joensuu”, Voluntas - Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organisations, Vol:23, Issue:2, June 2012, 328-349.

“Demokrasinin Güçlenmesi-Sivil Toplum Tartışmlarında Bir Dış Aktör Olarak Avrupa Birliği” (The European Union as a Foreign Actor in Democratic Consolidation-Civil Society Debates), Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, Vol:16, No:1, 2017, pp.33-60.

“Seeking for Solutions to the Integration Process of Syrians in Turkey: Case of Higher Education Students in Izmir” (with Sinem Abka and Tuğcan Durmuşlar), 7th SCF International Conference “The Future of the European Union and Turkey-European Union Relations, April 11-13, 2019, Proceedings Book, ISBN: 978-605-2077-08-5 (e-book), p. 36, Uşak, Turkey.