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MC member
Working Group 2 - The Mixed Economy of Welfare, Working Group 4 - Intellectual Traditions in European Welfare: Voluntary Associations, Families and The State
gender, social welfare, religion, lived welfare state, Nordic countries

“Focusing on the Family: the Lutheran Church and the Making of the Nordic Welfare State in Finland”. Journal of State and Church vol 56, issue 1, 2014, pp. 60–80.
”Family duties in the history of poor relief and social legislation in Finland”. In Pauli Kettunen, Stein Kuhnle & Yuan Ren (eds.), Reshaping welfare institutions in China and the Nordic countries. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 7. Helsinki 2014, pp. 141–164.
“Conducting Commissioned Research: The Finnish Inquiry into the Failures of Child Welfare, 1937–83”. Scandinavian Journal of History 2020. With Antti Malinen and Kirsi-Maria Hytönen.