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Working Group 3 - Transnational Voluntary Action
Mixed economy of the welfare state; transnational history of social policy; warfare-to-welfare
Postodoctoral researcher

Michele Mioni, ‘Attlee Government and the Welfare State Reforms in Post-war Italian Socialism (1945-1951): between Universalism and Class Policies’, Labor History, vol. 57/2016, pp. 277-297 [SCOPUS, Wos, ERIH+];

Michele Mioni, ‘Coesione sociale e scelte geopolitiche: i welfare states nazionali negli spazi europei, 1919-2019’, in Rolf Petri, Laura Picchio Forlati (eds.), L’Europa a cent’anni dalla Prima guerra mondiale. Storia, politica, diritto, Torino, G. Giappichelli Editore, 2020, pp. 57-75;

Michele Mioni, Klaus Petersen, ʽCold War Strategies in South East Asia and the Making of Social Security in Burma and Malaysiaʼ, in Carina Schmitt (ed.), From Colonialism to International Aid: External Actors in Social Protection in the Global South, London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2020, pp. 45-77;