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• Rendtorff, JD 2002, 'Basic ethical principles in European bioethics and biolaw: Autonomy, dignity, integrity and vulnerability. Towards a foundation of bioethics and biolaw' Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, vol 5, pp. 235-244.
• Rendtorff, JD, Nielsen, AL & Pedersen, JS 2014, 'The Paradigmatic Struggle for Legitimacy of the Danish Welfare State regarding the Provision of Welfare Services: Taking care of vulnerable children and youths as a core problem' Nordicum - Mediterraneum, vol 9, no. 4.
• Rendtorff, JD 2020, Paul Ricœur and Danish Philosophy: Dissemination of Ricœur’s Philosophy in the Philosophical Debate in Denmark, Ricœur’s Influence on Particular Danish Philosophers and Themes of Discussion in Denmark. Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, 53(1), 84-107.