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Working Group 2 - The Mixed Economy of Welfare, Working Group 3 - Transnational Voluntary Action
transnational history of women's feminist and voluntary organizations; interwar Yugoslavia and ECE; intellectual history of feminism
Comparative History
Doctoral Candidate

• Book Chapter “Communism, Left Feminism and Generations in the 1930s: The Case of Yugoslavia,” Gender, Generations and Communism in Central and South-Eastern Europe, eds. by Anna Artwińska and Agnieszka Mrozik. London: Routledge 2020.
• Article, “The Emergence of the Yugoslav Interwar Liberal Feminist Movement and The Little Entente of Women: An Entangled History Approach (1919-1924),” Feminist Encounters, A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics 4, no. 2 (2020), guest editors Maria Bucur, Krassimira Daskalova, and Sally R Munt.