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MC member
Working Group 2 - The Mixed Economy of Welfare, Working Group 4 - Intellectual Traditions in European Welfare: Voluntary Associations, Families and The State
voluntary associations, public - private in social provision
Professor Emerita

2019, When Juvenile Delinquency became an International Post-War Concern. The United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Place of Greece, Vienna University Press - V&R unipress, Vienna
2016, « ‘Sauver l’enfant dévoyé’ : La Société pour la protection des mineurs d’Athènes après la guerre », with Dimitra Vassiliadou, Revue d’histoire de l’enfance ‘irrégulière’ 18, 300-317
2013, “Between Voluntary Workers and Public Servants: Juvenile Probation Officers in Greece, 1954 -1976”, in Ada Dialla – Niki Maroniti (eds), State, Economy, Society (19th-20th centuries). Essays in Honor of Emeritus Professor George B. Dertilis, Metaichmio, Athens, 27-53