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MC member
Working Group 3 - Transnational Voluntary Action
Transnational women's activism
Research Fellow
Anne Cova (Edited by), Comparative Women's History: New Approaches, Boulder and New York, Social Science Monographs/Columbia University Press, 2006.
Ann Taylor Allen, Anne Cova and June Purvis (Eds), ‘International Feminisms’, Women’s History Review, vol. 19, nº 4, September 2010.
Anne Cova, ‘The national councils of women in France, Italy and Portugal. Comparisons and entanglements 1888−1939’, in Oliver Janz and Daniel Schönpflug (Eds), Gender History in a Transnational Perspective: Biographies, Networks, Gender Orders, Oxford and New York, Berghahn Books, 2014, pp. 46-76.