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Czech Republic
MC member
Working Group 1 - Families and Social Welfare, Working Group 3 - Transnational Voluntary Action
Welfare State, Family Policy, Eugenics, Nationalism, Women's Activism in East Central Europe, especially in Czechoslovakia

Zastřené počátky sociálního státu. Nacionalismus a sociální politika v českých zemích, 1938–1945 [Ambiguous Origins of the Welfare State. Nationalism and Social Policy in Bohemia and Moravia, 1938–1945], Prague: Masaryk Institute and Archives of CAS & Argo – forthcoming (2020)

Šustrová, Radka: A Dilemma of Change and Cooperation: Labour and Social Policy in Bohemia and Moravia in the 1930s and 1940s, In: Nazism Across Borders: The Social Policies of the Third Reich and their Global Appeal, eds. Sandrine Kott, Kiran K. Patel, Oxford University Press, Series of the German Historical Institute, London 2018, ISBN: 9780198828969.

Rodina v zájmu státu. Populační růst a instituce manželství v českých zemích, 1918–1989 [The Family in the Interest of the State. Population Growth and the Institution of Marriage in Czech Lands, 1918–1989], Prague: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny 2016, 272 p. (co-authored by Jakub Rákosník) - English translation in progress