Associate professor Roma1 University - Roman scandinavianist- Left handed SsLazio fan- 1 Daughter: Lavinia-
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Working Group 2 - The Mixed Economy of Welfare, Working Group 4 - Intellectual Traditions in European Welfare: Voluntary Associations, Families and The State
Nordic welfare, Italian welfare, neoliberal and ordoliberal reform of the State, Social democracy and welfare state
History of institutions and political theories (sps 03)
Associate professor University of Rome “Sapienza”

Most important in the fields of Cost are:
1) ) Borioni P. (2017), Istituzioni di welfare e comunicazione politica. Un dibattito danese, “Democrazia e Diritto”, 3,
2) Borioni P. (2017 ), Nordic welfare in post-war Italy, “Journal of Modern Italian Studies”, vol. 22, 2, 212-231
3) Borioni P. (2014), Danish Welfare Reform and Lutheran Background in the Mid-Twentieth Century, in “Journal of Church&State”, Volume 56, 1, 2014
4) Borioni P (2017), Il dibattito nordico su istituzioni pubbliche, New Public Management e riforma del welfare, "Economia&Lavoro", 2
5) Borioni P. (2018), Paesi Scandinavi, in Fondazione Astrid-Circolo Fratelli Rosselli (a cura di), Nuove (e vecchie) povertà: quale risposta?, il Mulino, Bologna, 2018