Location: The Historical Archive of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Skoufa 45, Athens -- 18 March 2022
The international workshop “Meeting Children’s Needs, Worrying for the Young, Caring for the Old: Intersecting Historical Approaches of Age-based Welfare in 20th Century Europe” is co-organised by the Section of History, Department of History and Archaeology, NKUA, and “Who Cares in Europe?”
Friday, 18 March 2022
11.30 Reception
12.00 Welcome, Dimitris Pavlopoulos, Head of the Department of History and Archaeology
12.15 Panel A
Chair: Katerina Nikolaou, Director of the Section of History, Department of History and Archaeology
Clarisse Berthezène and Laura Lee Downs, “Who cares in Europe?” From the history of social protection to unpolitical politics
13.15 Lunch Break
14.30 Panel B
Chair: Dominika Gruziel, European University Institute
Pat Thane, Care for and by older people in Britain
Maria Papathanassiou, Beyond the welfare state: Some notes on child and elderly care in rural Austria during the first decades of the 20th century
Sally Alexander, The needs of the child in the making of the British Welfare State
15.30-16.00 Discussion, First Part
16:00 Coffee break
16:20 Panel C
Chair: Vangelis Karamanolakis, President of the Historical Archive, NKUA
Laura Lee Downs, “Our nursery school in Mattuglie will surely be a site of struggle”: Italia Redenta and the campaign for the souls (and tongues) of children in the Julian March, 1919- 1944
Efi Avdela and Dimitra Lampropoulou, Meeting children’s needs? Entangled aspects of the mixed economy of welfare in postwar Greece
17.00-18.00 Discussion, Second Part